Wander Management

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Risks and challenges

The risks and challenges

Approximately half of nursing home residents have some form of dementia, and according to the Alzheimer’s Association, six in ten people with dementia occasionally wander. Nursing homes are tasked with managing the delicate balance of keeping Memory Care residents safe, while maintaining their independence and dignity.

The scandent solution

Wander management

Scandent's wander management solution minimizes the risks of resident wandering and elopement with checkpoints that can interface with door locks, elevator controls, and light call systems. Audible alarms warn nearby staff, while a combination of phone calls, texts, and emails instantly notify designated staff out of earshot.

Scandent wristband

More than wristbands

Most wander management systems rely exclusively on wristbands. If a wristband is removed or its battery fails, the system is rendered ineffective. With Scandent wander management, wristbands are just the first line of defense. Scandent provides tags for clothing, shoes, wallets, and walkers to provide multiple levels of redundancy.

Multilayered Security

Scandent Wristbands

Better wander management wristbands

Scandent’s wander management wristbands are comfortable and customizable. They last up to three years – three times as long as most other commercially available wristbands – and come at a fraction of the cost. While Scandent wristbands are highly effective at mitigating wandering risk, wristbands can fail if their batteries die, and some residents are averse to wearing them.

Wristband alternatives and fail-safes

For residents that refuse to wear a wristband, or simply for additional layers of security, Scandent provides tags for clothing, shoes, wallets, jewelry, wheelchairs, walkers, handbags, hearing aids, glasses, and other items residents commonly wear or use. These tags can be programmed to trigger wander management alarms and alert designated staff.

Scandent tags
Scandent alarms and alerts

Alarms and alerts

Beyond the standard audible alarm that alerts nearby staff of an elopement risk, Scandent also provides a combination of email, text message, and phone call alerts that are instantaneously sent to designated staff. With these additional alerts, staff that are not in the vicinity of an audible wander management alarm can be notified and prompted to respond.

Savings, Reliability, and Security

Savings, Reliability, and Security

Cost savings

Once a nursing home has deployed Scandent checkpoints for loss and theft prevention, those same checkpoints can be used for wander management without the need to spend more on additional infrastructure. Scandent wristbands also last three times longer and cost far less than other commercially available wristbands.

Superior reliability

Scandent wristbands are highly reliable, durable, and have a long battery life. But when it comes to resident safety, that is not always good enough. Tags for personal items can also be programmed to trigger wander management alarms and alerts. This multilayered security reduces elopement risk and offers caregivers peace of mind.

Multilevel staff alerts

Traditional wander management systems rely on audible alarms to alert staff of an imminent elopement risk. Scandent goes further. With a combination of instantaneous email, text message, phone call, and tablet popup notifications, Scandent immediately alerts designated staff not in the vicinity of a wander management alarm.